Canadian industry may prepare and file dumping, countervailing (i.e., subsidy), or safeguard complaints, alleging that they have been injured by unfairly traded goods entering the Canadian market. Importers or foreign producers may oppose these complaints or be called upon to participate in the investigation and inquiry process.
Fasken has extensive experience representing parties on both sides of these disputes. Our team includes former counsel at the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (“CITT”) as well as one of the most experienced trade remedy lawyers in Canada.
Our specific expertise includes:
- Preparing and filing complaints on behalf of domestic producers with the Canada Border Services Agency (for dumping and subsidizing complaints) or the CITT (safeguard complaints)
- Representing importers or foreign producers before the CBSA and the CITT
- Questionnaire responses
- Representing parties in public interest inquiries before the CITT
- Preparing applications for remission of anti-dumping and countervailing duties