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International Arbitration

We offer cost-effective services and sophisticated international arbitration expertise, backed by the bench-strength of our litigation group.
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As contracts, trade agreements, international investment and government interests shift, disputes can threaten to put plans on hold and cause reputational damage.

Many businesses and governments now use negotiation, mediation, arbitration and other forms of ADR to resolve cross-border disputes and avoid risks associated with traditional transnational litigation (cost, reputational damage, time, etc.).

We’re qualified to act as counsel in proceedings before major arbitral institutions such as the ICC, ICSID, UNCITRAL, LCIA and AAA and CCAC. We handle all manner of disputes, including those involving NAFTA or bilateral investment treaties.

Private and public businesses as well as governments rely on our representation in commercial and investor-state disputes involving the construction, infrastructure, automotive, energy and mining sectors on almost every continent.

We offer cost-effective services and sophisticated international arbitration expertise, backed by the bench-strength of our litigation group. Our entire group has been repeatedly named to the Global Arbitration Review 100 (GAR100), an independent list of top arbitration resources worldwide. We have also been named Benchmark Litigation Arbitration Firm of the Year.

Browse our recent work or contact any of our lawyers to learn more.



Primary Contacts
  • Karen Wyke, Partner | Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Calgary, AB, +1 403 261 5357,
  • Christian Leblanc, Partner | Intellectual Property, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 7545,
  • Sarah J. Armstrong, Partner | Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Toronto, ON, +1 416 868 3452,
  • Tracey M. Cohen, KC, FCIArb, Partner | Commercial Litigation, Vancouver, BC, +1 604 631 3149,
  • Tania Siciliano, Partner | Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Johannesburg, +27 11 586 6028,

Client Work

  • Zijin Mining, Jin Cheng Mining and Cominiere advance international arbitration disputes before the ICC, [Case - Zijin Mining, Jin Cheng Mining and Cominiere], Advancement of international arbitration disputes related to one of the world’s largest lithium deposits.
  • Gold mining company secures investment protection for Ecuador project, [Case - Confidential Client], Gold mining company seeks legal assistance to craft and negotiate a comprehensive Investment Protection Agreement
  • Panthera Resources PLC retains Fasken in its dispute under the Australia-India Bilateral Investment Treaty, against the Republic of India, [Case - Panthera Resources PLC], Mining company focused on exploration and development of gold projects in India and West Africa disputes under the Australia-India Bilateral Investment Treaty of 26 February 1999 against the Republic of India
  • Client successful in corporate governance dispute resolved by means of an AAA-ICDR international arbitration, [Case - Confidential Client], Arbitration of a joint venture dispute involving governance issues.
  • International arbitration between a company in a shareholder dispute involving a conflict of interest and company law issues, [Case - Confidential]
  • Aaron C. Berkowitz, Brett E. Berkowitz and Trevor B. Berkowitz (formerly Spence International Investments and others) v. Republic of Costa Rica, ICSID Case No. UNCT/13/2, [Case - Multiple parties]
  • International Centre for Settlement of Investment disputes investor-state in arbitration against Costa Rica, [Case - US Investors]
  • International arbitration involving a contractual dispute, [Case - Confidential]
  • Arbutus Software Inc. v. ACL Services Ltd., 2012 BCSC 1834, [Case - ACL Services Ltd.]





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