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Symposium 2021 - Navigating Corporate Issues Arising from Major Life Events

Trusts, Wills, Estates & Charities
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Who acts for a director when the director becomes incapable, and what can be done with a power of attorney? Is a company required to provide information to parties in a family or estate dispute? What documents does the company require before transferring shares to a deceased shareholder’s personal representative?

Fasken’s Trusts, Wills, Estates and Charities Group will discuss the challenges that arise when a director or shareholder divorces, becomes incapable, or passes away. Attendees will receive practical tips on how to deal with these challenges, what “red flags” to spot, and what they can do now to prepare their organizations for the risks and complexities that arise.


Symposium home page.

Renseignements sur l'événement

Justin Mui Spécialiste, Événements marketing +1 604 631 3296

Conférenciers / Conférencières

  • Annie H. Chen, TEP, Associée | Testaments, fiducies et litiges successoraux, Droit des sociétés et droit commercial, Vancouver, BC, +1 604 631 3288,
  • Hiva Parandian, Avocat | Testaments, fiducies et litiges successoraux, Vancouver, BC, +1 604 631 3297,