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Mathias Link Toronto Lawyer

Mathias Link

Associé | Travail, emploi et droits de la personne Fasken
Barreau Ontario, 2003
Langue(s) Anglais
Bureau(x) Toronto
Affaires +1 416 943 8977


Cette description est disponible en anglais seulement.


Mandats représentatifs

  • Rayonier Inc. obtient gain de cause dans sa contestation de griefs de principe déposés par un syndicat et qui alléguaient la violation de la Charte canadienne des droits et liberté, [Litige - Rayonier Inc.], Défense à l’égard de griefs concernant la disposition d’un régime de prestations d’invalidité à long terme prévoyant une limite d’âge de 65 ans.

Carrière et éducation


  • LL. B. Université de Victoria
  • B. Comm Université McMaster


  • Des changements apportés à un poste ne constituent pas nécessairement un congédiement déguisé | L'Espace RH, 03/06/2015




  • The Evolution of Employer-Sponsored Long-Term Disability Plans, 01/10/2024
  • Review of the Employment Standards Provisions of The Saskatchewan Employment Act, 31/10/2023
  • Employment and Labour Law 2021, 26/03/2022
Technical Paper Review of the Employment Standards Provisions of The Saskatchewan Employment Act Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers (CACE) submissions regarding Saskatchewan Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Legislative Review Discussion Paper


  • Labour Law Fundamentals, 11/06/2024
  • Developments in Human Rights Law Regarding Age Based Distinctions in Employee Benefits, 04/06/2024
  • Understanding the Legal Implications of Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace, 07/09/2023
Speaker Labour Law Fundamentals OBA Labour and Employment Law Section/Young Lawyer's Division Program location location Toronto, ON
Speaker Developments in Human Rights Law Regarding Age Based Distinctions in Employee Benefits Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers, Human Rights Committee
Speaker Understanding the Legal Implications of Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace HRD Employment Law Masterclass location location Toronto, ON


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