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Owethu Mbambo, Associé | Travail, emploi et droits de la personne

Owethu Mbambo

Associé | Travail, emploi et droits de la personne Fasken
Langue(s) Anglais, Zulu
Bureau(x) Johannesburg

Carrière et éducation


  • LL. M. Université du Witwatersrand
  • LL. B. Université de Johannesburg

Adhésions & affiliations

  • Membre South African Society for Labour Law De 2018 à maintenant
  • Membre Legal Practice Council of South Africa 2018


  • Updated workplace health and safety obligations of employers during Covid-19 pandemic, 18/06/2020
  • Updated workplace health and safety obligations of employers during Covid-19 pandemic, 18/06/2020
  • Guidelines for compiling and implementing mandatory codes of practice to mitigate and manage the effect of the outbreak of Covid-19 in mines, 21/05/2020


  • POPI Act Requirements for SMME's, 17/08/2021
  • Transitioning into the Work Place for Graduates
Speaker POPI Act Requirements for SMME's UJCfE
Guest Speaker Transitioning into the Work Place for Graduates location location Johannesburg, GT, Afrique du Sud University of Johannesburg


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