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Alex Kotkas, Associé | Litige commercial

Alex Kotkas

Associé | Litige commercial Fasken
Barreau Alberta, 1994
Langue(s) Anglais
Bureau(x) Calgary


Cette description existe uniquement en anglais.


Mandats représentatifs

  • Essential Energy Services réalise l'acquisition de Technicoil, [Transaction - Essential Energy Services Ltd.]
  • La Cour d'appel de l'Alberta rejette une réclamation de 1,3 M$ en responsabilité du fabricant contre DuPont, [Litige - DuPont Canada Inc.]
  • Fasken Martineau defeats $1 Billion claim at interlocutory stage, [Litige - Client Confidentiel]
  • Park v. Heimbeckner, 2007 ABQB, 386, [Litige - Client Confidentiel]

Carrière et éducation


  • LL. B., palmarès du doyen Université de l'Alberta
  • B.A. Lethbridge University

Implication communautaire

  • Bénévole Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre Society
  • Bénévole Mustard Seed

Adhésions & affiliations




  • The OHS prime contractor in Alberta, 20/05/2014
  • Class Actions in Canada: Another Western Province (Alberta) Enacts Legislation, 01/12/2007
  • Climate Change Litigation, 11/11/2007
Article The OHS prime contractor in Alberta
Article Class Actions in Canada: Another Western Province (Alberta) Enacts Legislation Bulletin Litiges et résolution de conflits


  • Alberta's Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act, 18/07/2023
  • The Occupational Health and Safety Prime Contractor, 19/11/2019
  • Protecting Against Corruption in the Supply Chain, 27/05/2015
The Occupational Health and Safety Prime Contractor location location Calgary, AB, Canada
Protecting Against Corruption in the Supply Chain White Collar Crime, Investigations & Compliance Seminar location location Calgary, AB, Canada


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